Monday, November 24, 2008

Andi's xmas wish list...

I really only have a couple things on my wish list...

- an iPOD (yes I am breaking down and want one...)
- an iTunes gift card
- Origins (make up line) gift certificate
- two more sports bras (kimmer - the one you got for my bday is perfect - med, 34C)
- a many (50+) gigabite flash (jump, thumb, whatever you want to call it) drive

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Auntie Andi's Birthday - Nov 16, 2008

Sunday was my 28th birthday. We had family dinner at Gammie and Lolo's with two of my close friends. Mel was away on business and we missed her. But, Peirce and Mel taught Trey how to say Happy Birthday and by Gammie's birthday he should be very good at it. Maybe by then Trey will finish the song he so seriously starts at the end of this next clip....

Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween

This person dressed all in black including her hair came to my door tonight.  Do you know who she is?  She said she had a halo and wings to put on later (black, of course).  Hope you had a fun night and baby boy was not scared.  Deep six the candy , DaDa, you don't need it and my baby boy doesn't either!!!

Monday, October 27, 2008

Mel, Peirce & Trey's Xmas list

I'll post here for xmas ideas. You have the ability to edit it, so I think this is the easiest way!

A piggy bank with his name on it (he broke his ball one- threw it on the ground-made sense to me!)
Fun bath toys- he is tired of his squirty ones
Good night moon book
Peirce & I are going to get a grill type kitchen for the basement. He loves playing with the one at harrisons (maybe he will be a master chef!) so any food, pots or pans to go with it is great. Peirce says dont make it girly! ;-)
Clothes- 24 months
T-ball set. Daddy is trying to teach him some ball early. Nothing fancy just a simple plastic one that he can practice on.
Trey is pretty easy!

Gift cards for car wash
Shirts/ties (he swears he needs them)
I tunes card
he could use a couple of nice sweaters

Dirt devil of some sort for quick pick up in the kitchen from you know who!
Shutterfly gift card so I can do more books
King sized chocolate sheets
Neck pillow- one of those that smells good and you can put inthe microwave!
Pedi gift card- Roxann
car wash gift certificates
I tunes card
work out socks. low ones
yoga videos
Pj's- pants and tshirt ones, but not flannel. Cute cotton ones- need some badly.
lap desk for lap top
new scuba mask
New purse- I always like purses.

Update from Trey & Mel

Hi everyone. I'm going to make it a point to start blogging again! Trey had been sick this weekend with a fever off and on so I'm at home today and he resting up. His fever is gone and he is back to his old self but we wanted to be sure so that we didnt get Harrison sick. Gammie the only thing he asked to eat all weekend was "Gammie Soup Pease". It helped him get better quick!!!

I'll post some pics of Trey in his monkey costume later this week as well as him carving the pumpkin with us probably tonight.

Last but certainly not least can I suggest that everyone start working on your christmas wish list. I certainly will work on one for us but I'm realizing that the holidays are right around the corner so I wanted to get a start on it. Perhaps we can post them on the blog rather than email if that works better. Trey will be trick or treating with his friends Alex and Dean on Friday so I'll be sure to take lots of pics...

Also please plan on our Annual Xmas eve dinner here at our home. Of course we will have Peirce's seafood extravaganza. We plan to try and come to Cammi's house for dessert on Christmas day. Talk to you all soon. XOXOX

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Just stuff...

We are not very good bloggers...or at least not very diligent.
It was good to see everyone for Kimberly's bday last Saturday. She is enjoying the peppermint soap, despite Peirce's skepticism.
I got my haircut on Tuesday. Almost 10 inches off! But I couldn't donate it bc it was layered and too thin. :( On the brighter side, my cut is cute. Similar to Mel's.
Trey is just the cutest thing ever. Mel has a priceless photo of his first haircut, of which he was apparently a big fan!

I caved in and joined Facebook (Mel and Peirce are also members). It is similar to MySpace, but differs in that it employs degrees of separation by linking people together thru common networks, interests, or friends.
I'm wondering...(not that I will get an answer here before elsewhere..) are we doing anything for Dad's bday??

Monday, September 22, 2008


Hi Family,
Well, I had a busy weekend at Gamamie and Ace's.  Gammie made me salmon salad and pea soup for lunch, yummmmm.  Then we went for a ride on the train at Cabin John Park.  This is my second trip and I am close to figuring out how the train works. 
I ate so much lope and watermelon (I can't quite say that word yet) that Gammie said I am going to turn into a melon.  As you can see from my pictures, I am getting quite good with the fork action!
Saturday night I went to a cookout with Gammie, Ace, and Auntie Andi.  Auntie Andi stuffed herself with these BIG orange things with lots of legs.  Gammie said I could not have any.  I ate some chicken and more lope!  Ace let me bang on the table with this wooden hammer (kind of like the one I use at home).  Auntie Andi was hitting that big orange thing with one!!
The next day we went to this place with a big pool of water and the water was shooting up from the middle.  I walked around the whole thing and up over the bridge!!  I carried a bag of bread for the ducks.  I gave them a little, Gammie and Ace gave them a lot, and I saved the last few crumbs for me. 
After my nap, Mama and Dada came to Gammie's and Auntie Kim too.  We had our family dinner and then we messed around in the family room.  I had fun with everyone.

Monday, August 18, 2008


So, I know that just about all of us sit in front of a computer for more than an hour at least 5 days a is it that we cannot keep this blog going on a consistent basis??!!

Cant wait to see you guys for CFN on Sunday. xoxox love you!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Both the CFN nights in July and August are fine with me.  I guess I better start thinking of what to make?  Any requests?




Too cute for words!!  At first I thought that Gammi posted, but after reading the looking gay comment I knew it had to be Deuce on the keyboard.



Trey's 15 Month Check-up

Trey had his 15 month check up today and all went well. He got a get out of jail free card for his immunizations because he has a bit of a virus and the Dr just want to be extra cautious. He has a raspy voice and a bit of a rash. Other than that she was amazed by how much he talks and his word associations (he is at an 18 mth level) and he is still a skinny dude. Weight is at the 20th% and height and head are at 70th. We may need to fatten the skinny man up! Actually she said it was exactly what she expected at this age and he probably wont gain much until he is over 2. BUT she did say we need to get rid of that bottle so Peirce and I are going to be trying some new tactics once the rash goes away. Wish us luck!! See you all on the 4th!

I'll be posting some pics from the beach soon.

Change in Cook Family Night- July & August

Family- I think Cook Family night was ignored in June. BUT since we went out for Fathers Day we should be ok. I was just checking the remaining CFN's for the summer and unfortunately MP&T are going to be on vacation for both weekends in July & August. So I would like to propose the following changes for CFN:

July- Cook family night postponed to Sunday July 27th- Its at Kimmers
August- Cook family night postponed to Sunday August 24th. At Trey's house.

Is that ok with everyone? If so, please update your calendar. If not, please comment and we can agree on another date.

Change in Cook Family Night

Sunday, June 29, 2008

TREY is STYLING --!!!!!!!

Trey visits Gammie and Ace

I had a quick visit to Gammie & Ace's the end of last week.  They took me to this place with a thing that goes round and round and it plays really loud music and the thing has horses (neigh, neigh) and ostriches (I don't know what they are) and lions and tigers.  Some of them just stand there and some go up and down.  Gammie and I got on a horse that went up and down.  I am not sure I really liked it.   Maybe when I get bigger!  I did like looking at the calliope (its the thing that was making the really loud music). 
Later that day, after my nap, I tried to put on these really big, heavy, hard shoes that look like copper.  I couldn't get my foot into them because the laces would not come undone.  Gammie said they were my Da-Da's first shoes.  Then she showed me Aunt Kim's shoes.  They were soft and I wanted to put them on.  Gammie tied them for me and I clomped around in them.  They were slippery, but neat. This is me in the shoes.  I know I look gay because the shoes are white, but don't you think I should be a model?  The black shirt is cool and how about those legs!!!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008


You guys have been SLACKERS!! No one has even posted to the site. Baby boy got shoes, started walking, got stitches.....M&P got a new crib (i.e. house).....gas is over $4.00 (OH MY!!).... M&D went to Alaska....I'm headed to Jamaica next week for a friend's wedding....its Father's Day on Sunday....Do we have a plan??!! Come on people!! Get with it! Let's COMMUNICATE....

Love you all. xoxo

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Mel you did a fantastic job on the Caymen  photo album.Thanks!!!

Friday, March 21, 2008


Dad, you are so random with your news bulletins... As you may or may not know, I have a very bad case of the Flu. The doctor said I'm contagious pretty much until the medication is done. That being said, I will not be at the March Madness/Trey's 1st bday celebration at Deanna's house on Saturday, as I do not want to give any of the kids, family, or friends this terrible sickness. I'll be home on Easter but will keep my distance, especially from T dawg. Anyway, love you all. Hope everyone else is healthy and well. See you on Sunday. xoxo

Wednesday, March 12, 2008


SNOW?? There will be no snow...its supposed to be like 50....but there might be rain!!

I will not be at dinner on Saturday. We were given tickets to the Shamrock Festival at RFK Stadium. I already let the chef know. :)

Congratulations to baby boy on standing unassisted!! SO EXCITING! Can't wait for those first uneasy steps!!

If I do not see you before, I will see everyone at March Madness/Trey's 1st Bday Celebration!!

Love you all. XOXOX hugs and kisses.

Thursday, February 21, 2008


We would like to have our dinner delivered ,if the snow storm is bad--THANKS

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Pictures have been posted....

To the kodakgallery - you should have all gotten an email, but you can also link to them below. Looking forward to seeing everyone for dinner on Friday. XOXO. Love and hugs.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

First post

Thanks to  Peirce Iam IPoding away.Enjoy the lack of snow..

Monday, February 11, 2008

post a blog...

or if you are me - you can just click in the upper right corner where it says "new post"....


I will be uploading the pictures this week. I have them on my work desktop, but need Amy to give me admin rights to install the kodak photo loader so that I dont have to upload the pics one at a I will get on it. SOON. Look at Dad, big bad poker need to get a few more top ten places -- and not so spread out! Bring home the bacon baby!

Okay, so next Friday dinner at the P, M, & T pad. Cool...whats for dinner??

Nothing new from Northern is busy and arch nemesis in the office is finally gone. Yay! Have a guitar lesson tonight. Yep. Thats all. Love you guys. xoxox

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Another Test......again

Hey everyone go check out this website.......  

Teaching Dad how to post to the blog......again

So all you have to do is send an e-mail to this address and it will post to the blog.

Friday, February 8, 2008

family blog

Awesome photos of our unbelievably perfect family vacation.  The only thing missing is a photo of the double rainbow and the caribbean train cake!!  Andrea, I think you have those on your camera so get busy posting.
Let's make our reservation for next year (at 25% discount!!) right away.  But, Vladamir, how about mid February so we don't have to wait so long for Spring to come after we get back.  You and Mel can go away for your birthday and leave my baby boy with me.  xox to

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Oops sorry. I forgot how to post to the blog but now I know.
Also, mom asked about birthday - I would love to get my car detailed. It needs it so that is always a good group gift. Otherwise I love the spa!

Cook Family Reminders

Come on people it’s about time you learned to use the blog…………………………….all you have to do is send an e-mail to the special address that I gave you all and it will post just like this!



Just a few Cook family reminders- I think P is going to put them on the blog but I thought I should send an email just in case.


-          1st 2008 Cook Family night is Friday February 22nd at our house.   Peirce and I are cooking but not sure what just yet!


-          Don’t forgot to share your pics from Cayman Vacation (ahem, that means you Andrea)


-          Trey’s Bday-  We are planning Trey’s 1st birthday for Saturday March 22nd at my sister Deanna’s house.  It’s going to be a March Madness themed party.   You are all invited of course but if you cant swing it we plan to celebrate Easter together so we can also celebrate then.   I’ll have more details coming but we wanted to let you know.  It’s going to be family for the most part.   Since Easter is the next day we are having an Easter Egg Hunt for the kids as part of the party.    We typically do that on my side of the family every year so combining the two things just made sense!  Peirce will be making a basketball cake so he may need some pointers from you mom…………..


That is it for now.  See you soon!




M, P & T



Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Cook Family Trip to the Cayman Islands

Check out the pictures from our amazing trip by visiting the link below.

Don't Forget.......................

Feb 22nd is Cook Family Fun Night at Peirce and Mel’s house, be sure to check the blog for updates on what to expect for the nights activities

R. Peirce Cook, Jr.


Coakley Realty, Inc.

20 Courthouse Square #106

Rockville, MD 20850

MOBILE: 301.919.0030

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Thanks for a great vacation!

Hey Peirce and Mel,

Thank you for organizing a great vacation.  It was very nice to start off the new year in paradise.  You are a wonderful family and I am glad that we have such a good time together.





Thursday, January 3, 2008

A must own item for the Cook family.

A little hot chocolate by a wood burning fire....

A little snowball fight action behind the house....

What do you think P? Get Trey on a snowboard?? Awwww Yeah!!