Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Change in Cook Family Night- July & August

Family- I think Cook Family night was ignored in June. BUT since we went out for Fathers Day we should be ok. I was just checking the remaining CFN's for the summer and unfortunately MP&T are going to be on vacation for both weekends in July & August. So I would like to propose the following changes for CFN:

July- Cook family night postponed to Sunday July 27th- Its at Kimmers
August- Cook family night postponed to Sunday August 24th. At Trey's house.

Is that ok with everyone? If so, please update your calendar. If not, please comment and we can agree on another date.


Mom said...

So happy Trey's check-up went well. I don't think he is too skinny. I am always anazed at the amount he eats -- it's all very healthy so he doesn't get fat. He is very strong and always on the move. Besides, it takes a lot out of a guy to produce all those teeth so early!!

The new family night dates are fine with us.

Andi said...

new family dates are a ok with me!!

Mel said...

Ok new CFN dates are official. Mark your calendars. Talk to you soon!